
Archive for August, 2013

Yesterday was all about bouncing, bad backs and the trimming of teeth. I don’t really want to talk about the green goo that found its way into the Queen’s hair in the middle of the night, via the cat’s hindquarters. You will be pleased to hear that shampoo removed it effectively from hair. We haven’t yet dealt with the duvet and carpet…

The Vicar needed a new desk to counter the middle aged arrival of back issues. So we loaded the kids into the car for an Ikea breakfast (guaranteed to counter a bad back, although possibly not the middle aged spread). As we loaded the car with myriad packages, pleased to have avoided tealights for once, the kids took advantage of a free bungee bouncer outside the front of the store.

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And the teeth trimming? That was a trip to the vet’s with Squeak the Rodent, whose bottom left front tooth had grown ridiculously long over the summer. So he had it it cut back to prevent it beginning to slice into the top of his jaw. A quick and fairly untraumatic procedure, both for him and for my purse.

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That New Term Feeling

Hi there. Long time no blog, eh? Back from my hols now, though, and full of good intentions about nearly everything. I was reflecting yesterday on the bonus of living in a country where a new academic year starts in September, so that we get two ‘new’ years. I certainly need two stabs at a new start. I could do with more, to be honest. Perhaps one a month?

And whilst we’re talking about new starts, this is something I came across when I recently discovered Adam Ford and his web cartoon site. I found this cartoon very helpful when thinking about a ‘new’ year for my prayer routine. Always good to have a reboot.



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